The baptismal vows
The following question is put to the parents
or guardians bringing the child for baptism:
Do you confess your faith in God as your
creator and heavenly Father; in Jesus as
your Saviour and Lord; and in the Holy Spirit
your helper and your guide?
The parents reply: I do
Words of Baptism
(Name of child) I baptise you in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. The blessing of God Almighty Father,
Son and Spirit descend upon you and dwell
in your heart forevermore, Amen
Question put to parents/guardians after
With God’s help do you commit to teaching
(name child) the truths and responsibilities
of the Christian faith; and by your example
bring him/her up in the life and worship of
the Church?
The parents reply: “I do.”
Question put to God parents (if present)
(Name of Godparents), you are Godparents
of (name child). That is an important
supportive role, and you are called to
encourage and enable (name child) to thrive.
To become all that s/he can be secure in
your support; and to set an authentic
example to (name child) of faith, love and
service. Will you, with God’s help, support
(name of parents) as they bring up (name
child), and will you promise to surround
her/him with all that is good and true?
The God parents reply: “I will.”
Question put to the Congregation
To all members of Christ’s Church, to you I
now put this question: with God’s help do
you commit to maintaining here a welcoming
community of faith, love, worship and
service that (name child) may
grow up in the knowledge and
love of God our creator and
heavenly Father, Jesus our
Saviour and Lord; and in the Holy
Spirit our helper and our guide?
The congregation replies: “We